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Michelin Guides

Illustrated Michelin Guides to the Battlefields (1914-1918)

The Michelin company produced a series of 'Illustrated.....Guides to the Battle-Fields (1914-1918)' and they have long been avidly sought after by people interested in the Great War. They were produced very rapidly after the war ended, and it is quite clear that official records were used by the unnamed authors. The scholarship in them is impressive and G. H. Smith & Son have produced reprints which are of superb quality and very reasonably priced. The only addition made to any of the volumes is a short introduction.

Product Image Item Name Price+
Amiens: Before and during the war

Amiens: Before and during the war

Amiens: Before and during the war. Another of the smaller guides. Devoted to the town of Arras entirely ISBN 10: 0 904775 59 3 ISBN 13: 978 0 904775...


Soissons: Before and during the war

Soissons: Before and during the war

Soissons rapidly became known to British newspaper readers when war started. A fortified town on the Aisne it became prominent when the war...


The Americans in the Great War Volume 1

The Americans in the Great War Volume 1

The first of three volumes about the AEF in the Great War, starting with a description of 'The causes of the German offensive of May, 1918'. Nearly...


The Americans in the Great War Volume 2

The Americans in the Great War Volume 2

The second 'American' volume contains 146 pages and begins with a study of the formation of the St Mihiel Salient and continues the story of that...


The Americans in the Great War Volume 3

The Americans in the Great War Volume 3

This last Michelin guide in the 'American' set carries a most unusual typing error on the cover - where Montfaucon appears as Monteaucon. It deals,...


The Somme Volume 1

The Somme Volume 1

The Somme battlefields are without doubt the most popular sites for British visitors and Michelin devoted two guides to the area. This is 138 pages...


The Somme Volume 2

The Somme Volume 2

This Somme volume is devoted to the events of 1918. It is 130 pages long and contains a considerable amount on the events at Cantigny. A remarkable...


The Yser and the Belgian Coast

The Yser and the Belgian Coast

The Yser volume is 130 pages in length and its itineraries were designed to take four days. The four were given as 1 Dunkirk, Nieuport, Ostend, 2,...


Verdun and the battle for its possession

Verdun and the battle for its possession

Verdun was the scene of huge battles in 1916 when the Germans determined to make France 'bleed to death' there. This is a wonderful guide to that...


Ypres and the battle of Ypres

Ypres and the battle of Ypres

Visits to Ypres are usually combined with trips to places like Albert and this guide will be as useful there as the others are for ‘the Somme’....
