Synopsis: A charming book of Etiqutte from the mid Victorian Period era detailing everything a young lady in society might wish to know. A novel view of polite Society, great fun for all to read.
This little handbook was originally published by T Gill of Easingwold and was aimed not at members of “the higher circles of society”, at whom similar books had been aimed but at “the middle and lower ranks” who had “been unmercifully neglected” by writers. No dates appear in Gill’s booklet but essential advice abounds throughout. The writer enthuses over the charms of a blushing lady, for example, and carries on a bit about “visiting”. Go in the mornings readers are advised, and “never take children or dogs as it is very vulgar”. Always be on time and (for the hostess) cut the cheese into pieces and pass it round the table “going down the left side and coming up the right”. It is quite wrong for a lady to “pick her teeth in company, and at the table perfectly disgusting. Cutting or cleaning your nails is a dirty habit”. All good stuff and there is much more like that. How the “lower folk” could be expected to conform (perhaps even read) Etiquette is not clear. The book is a delight, however.
In Stock - Now Available - Great Fun for all - 92 pages
ISBN 10: 0 904775 83 6
ISBN 13: 978 0 904775 83 9
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 24 January, 2012.