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The Unknown Warrior

The new booklet on the Unknown Warrior tells thestory of how an unknown soldier of the First World Warcame to be buried in Westminster Abbey among kings and princes. The grave was the idea of an army padre and, once the idea had been approved by the King, it took only a matter of weeks for the deed to be done. The booklet contains remarkable photographs of the procession to the Abbey and the burial. It also demonstrates how the grave has become a place of pilgrimage for many, including visiting Heads of State who lay a wreath on the grave as one of their first official functions. The idea for an Unknown Warrior's tomb has been copied the world over. The booklet also describes the annual Field of Remembrance laid out on the grass near the Abbey, commemorating the thousands who died in battle.'

Written by James Wilkinson

ISBN 10: 0 9552470 1 2

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 02 February, 2012.

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